Coming Home - 2013


Hardly anyone we know who hasn't been concerned at some point in time, about his or her travel upon this earth. About how we trode the path unfolding in front of us and above all about where the path is taking us.

"Comming home" is about this journey and some of its intricacies. It follows our inevitable departure from the light we were born from and probes into some of the shadows we cast upon ourselves, only to more frantically seek our way back home. And while we can't show you a path, there is one thing we know; you don't have to be a prophet to see the light. 

The Dream - 2010




In 2007, when we found ourselves again, after twenty years of silence, we wanted a refuge, with no pretensions, no targets or deadlines. We wanted just to see how it sounds, today, when technically we have means and possibilities impossible to imagine some twenty years ago. And maybe to dream at what we could have become all these years hadn’t we stopped playing back then.



And then, the songs found their way flowing like a rain, waited too long. This first album,  "The Dream", is a collection of songs, made up partially from ideas developed during these long years of silence, when the music still sounded, silently, in each of us. Therefore, the sound might seem to be coming from other times, but, hey, we are from other times…


In 2007, cind ne-am reunit, dupa douazeci de ani de tacere, aveam in minte un loc de hobby, unde sa ne refugiem, fara pretentii, fara obiective si termene. Vroiam sa vedem “cum suna”, azi, cind exista posibilitati materiale la care acum douazeci de ani nici nu puteam visa. Si poate sa visam la ceea ce am fi putut deveni in toti acesti ani, daca atunci am fi continuat sa cintam.


Apoi cintecele s-au insiruit curgator ca o ploaie prea mult aminata. Primul album, A Dream, este o culegere de piese bazate, partial, pe idei dezvoltate in ani lungi de tacere, in care muzica a continuat sa rasune, tacuta, in fiecare din noi. De aceea, sound-ul general poate parea din alte timpuri. Si noi sintem din alte timpuri…..